[linux-lvm] invalidate: busy buffer

Ulrich Wiederhold U.Wiederhold at gmx.net
Sun Dec 16 15:50:02 UTC 2001

* Wolfgang Weisselberg <weissel at netcologne.de> [011216 20:50]:
> BTW, is there a good reason to run vgscan on boot time every
> time?  I have had more sorrow than joy with that.  If my
> vg's really changed, I can always run it from the (non-LVM)
> / which will come up, even if only as an emergency system.

Ok, but you need to run vgscan && vgchange -ay every time you wanna use
your LVM-drives, and I think that's normally every time you boot your
I won't run the commands every time I reboot manually. But... I add them
to /etc/rcS.d/S99local incl. the mount command. This takes nearly the
same effect as if I run it manually after the booting finished.


'The box said, 'Requires Windows 95 or better', so i installed Linux - TKK 5

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