[linux-lvm] Problems binding raw devices to PV's

Andrew Patterson andrew at lvadp.fc.hp.com
Wed Dec 19 18:52:01 UTC 2001

We are having problems when running vgchange to activate volume groups
that have raw devices bound to it's PV's. We are currently using
LVM 1.0.1-rc4 running on Linux kernel 2.4.14. 


Reproducing problem:
1. Establish raw device <--> scsi disk device bindings using raw
2. Create 1 vg with 2 pv's (problem not seen with only 1 pv)
3. Deactivate vg with vgchange
4. When you re-activate the vg with vgchange, something is corrupted
   such that the raw mappings appear to have been changed.
5. The next attempt to change back the raw binding causes segfault in
   the raw utility, accompanied by a kernel stack trace on the
6. The next attempt to change back the raw binding causes the system
   to completely lock up/wedge.

Capture showing problem:
jerry# raw /dev/raw2 8 16
/dev/raw/raw2:	bound to major 8, minor 16
jerry# raw /dev/raw3 8 32
/dev/raw/raw3:	bound to major 8, minor 32
jerry# raw /dev/raw3 8 48
/dev/raw/raw4:	bound to major 8, minor 48
jerry# raw /dev/raw4 8 64
/dev/raw/raw5:	bound to major 8, minor 64
jerry# raw /dev/raw5 8 80
/dev/raw/raw6:	bound to major 8, minor 80
jerry# raw /dev/raw6 8 96
/dev/raw/raw7:	bound to major 8, minor 96
jerry# raw /dev/raw8 8 112
/dev/raw/raw8:	bound to major 8, minor 112
jerry# raw /dev/raw9 8 128
/dev/raw/raw9:	bound to major 8, minor 128
jerry# raw -qa
/dev/raw/raw2:	bound to major 8, minor 16
/dev/raw/raw3:	bound to major 8, minor 32
/dev/raw/raw4:	bound to major 8, minor 48
/dev/raw/raw5:	bound to major 8, minor 64
/dev/raw/raw6:	bound to major 8, minor 80
/dev/raw/raw7:	bound to major 8, minor 96
/dev/raw/raw8:	bound to major 8, minor 112
/dev/raw/raw9:	bound to major 8, minor 128
jerry# pvcreate /dev/sdf
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully created

jerry# pvcreate /dev/sdg
pvcreate -- physical volume "/dev/sdg" successfully created

jerry# vgcreate testVG1 /dev/sdf /dev/sdg
vgcreate -- INFO: using default physical extent size 4.00 MB
vgcreate -- INFO: maximum logical volume size is 255.99 Gigabyte
vgcreate -- doing automatic backup of volume group "testVG1"
vgcreate -- volume group "testVG1" successfully created and activated

jerry# raw -qa
/dev/raw/raw2:	bound to major 8, minor 16
/dev/raw/raw3:	bound to major 8, minor 32
/dev/raw/raw4:	bound to major 8, minor 48
/dev/raw/raw5:	bound to major 8, minor 64
/dev/raw/raw6:	bound to major 8, minor 80
/dev/raw/raw7:	bound to major 8, minor 96
/dev/raw/raw8:	bound to major 8, minor 112
/dev/raw/raw9:	bound to major 8, minor 128
jerry# vgchange -an testVG1
vgchange -- volume group "testVG1" successfully deactivated

jerry# raw -qa
/dev/raw/raw2:	bound to major 8, minor 16
/dev/raw/raw3:	bound to major 8, minor 32
/dev/raw/raw4:	bound to major 8, minor 48
/dev/raw/raw5:	bound to major 8, minor 64
/dev/raw/raw6:	bound to major 8, minor 80
/dev/raw/raw7:	bound to major 8, minor 96
/dev/raw/raw8:	bound to major 8, minor 112
/dev/raw/raw9:	bound to major 8, minor 128
jerry# vgchange -ay testVG1
vgchange -- volume group "testVG1" successfully activated

jerry# raw -qa
/dev/raw/raw2:	bound to major 8, minor 16
/dev/raw/raw3:	bound to major 8, minor 32
/dev/raw/raw4:	bound to major 8, minor 48
/dev/raw/raw5:	bound to major 8, minor 64
/dev/raw/raw6:	bound to major 8, minor 96      <------ CHANGED/WRONG
/dev/raw/raw7:	bound to major 8, minor 80      <------ CHANGED/WRONG
/dev/raw/raw8:	bound to major 8, minor 112
/dev/raw/raw9:	bound to major 8, minor 128
jerry# raw /dev/raw6 0 0
Segmentation fault

>>>>>>>>>> THIS APPEARED ON CONSOLE/SYSLOG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: invalid operand: 0000
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: CPU:    0
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: EIP:    0010:[<c01396a2>]    Not tainted
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: EFLAGS: 00010202
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: eax: 00000001   ebx: 000000d8   ecx: c1e72de8   
edx: 00000001
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: esi: c1e72de0   edi: c03f5880   ebp: f2e41f88   
esp: f2e41f60
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: Process raw (pid: 506, stackpage=f2e41000)
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: Stack: 000000d8 c03f5968 c03f5880 c0207f16 
c1e72de0 f3858d20 bffffcd0 0000ac00
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel:        ffffffe7 00000000 00000006 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 c01415a7
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel:        f638d920 f3858d20 0000ac00 bffffcd0 
f2e40000 bffffde4 bffffd1c 00000004
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: Call Trace: [<c0207f16>] [<c01415a7>]
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel:
Dec 19 15:53:32 jerry kernel: Code: 0f 0b 8b 56 04 8b 06 89 50 04 89 02 8b 5e 
30 8d 46 30 39 c3

jerry# raw /dev/raw7 8 96
>>>>>>>>>>>> SYSTEM LOCKED-UP COMPLETELY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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