[linux-lvm] Disk crash , LVM and ext2... (bis)

Emmanuel Varagnat emmanuel.varagnat at free.fr
Tue Sep 24 17:51:06 UTC 2002

(yesterday I wrote to lvm-devel at sistina.com, but it seems that it wasn't 
the good place for my problem as nobody answer me :o| )

My problem, is that I set a VG over 3 IDE disk, and that the first one 
crashed. I started writing a tool to recover my data but this tool need 
to only read the data that belong to the Ext2 filesystem.
Originally, there were 4 LV in the VG. Would I be able to access the 
remaining data of LVs ? And how could I do that ?

I added the output of vgscan, pvdisplay and pvdata.

Thanks a lot.

-=( manu )=-

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