[linux-lvm] lvm2 confused about double UUID

Christian Kujau lists at nerdbynature.de
Mon Jul 27 08:55:52 UTC 2009

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 at 01:19, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Now you're getting beyond my pay grade.

Do you accept virtual beer cans? :-)

> But with uuidgen and tune2fs, you could give sdc1 a new UUID.  That would hose
> lvm, though, and you'd have to do surgery in /etc/lvm.

Hm, tune2fs operates on (filesystem-)superblock, IIRC. I'm still tempted 
to do "pvcreate" on one of the discs, but I need to find out how much 
bytes I have to backup so I can restore if something goes wrong.

> I'd go the safe/sure route and backup sdc2 if possible

Well, I've backup up everything on vg02, but te restore would take a few 
days. Not that it's a production setup, but I still want to avoid this 

> (have you written anything new to it since breaking the mirror?),


> and start over, dropping it from lvm. refdisking it (is there such a 
> word?), etc, etc.

I'm trying to reproduce what happened on a test system, but I think I 
still fail to understand where LVM looks for "possible PVs to use". I 
tried something in a Xen DomU

# mdadm --create /dev/md0 [...] /dev/loop0 /dev/loop1
# pvcreate /dev/md0
# pvs
  PV         VG   Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/md0        lvm2 --   99.94M 99.94M
# blkid | egrep 'md|loop'
/dev/loop0: UUID="xyIqqj-gOCa-nMzi-Dn4e-swIL-7ZFG-fuwhBf" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/loop1: UUID="xyIqqj-gOCa-nMzi-Dn4e-swIL-7ZFG-fuwhBf" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/md0: UUID="xyIqqj-gOCa-nMzi-Dn4e-swIL-7ZFG-fuwhBf" TYPE="LVM2_member"

Of course, "pvs" still lists only /dev/md0 as an available PV, despite 
both loop0 and loop1 are available to the system - unlike sdb and sdc when 
my mirror was still intact.

I think it's only a naming issue: my mirrordevice was presented as "sdb"
to the system, sdc did not exist yet. Now with the mirror split up, both
sdb and sdc show up - and LVM is of course used to sdb. I don't know why
LVM bothers with sdc at all, though. In the test system I do:

# mdadm --stop /dev/md0
# pvs
# ln -s /dev/loop0 /dev/md0
# pvs
  PV         VG   Fmt  Attr PSize  PFree
  /dev/md0        lvm2 --   99.94M 99.94M 


...anyway, I try to backup the LVM header in the test box and see how it 

BOFH excuse #188:

..disk or the processor is on fire.

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