[linux-lvm] Pvmove while volume_ list is enabled freeze whole lvm

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Thu Dec 13 09:43:01 UTC 2012

Dne 13.12.2012 09:23, Gianluca Cecchi napsal(a):
> Hello,
> I have rhel 5.8 wit lvm tags enabled (volume_ list).
> In volume_ list I have
> @intraclusternode1
> Tag, so the main vg is active with its lv.
> But then I issue pvmove command that fails because it cannot activate the
> temporary mirror...But now on, all commands related to lvm, also for other vg,
> completely freeze..Any way to unblock?I tried removing the volume_list
> directive in lvm.conf, but no way...I would like to avoid doing power off if
> possible..
> Thanks
> Gianluca

Usual way if something goes wrong:

Check if there is a device in 'suspend' state -
(i.e.   dmsetup info -c     and check for 's' flag in Stat column)
Resume all suspend devices -    dmsetup resume vgname-lvname &
You could easily remove those which have zero open count  - dmsetup remove
Eventually if you are brave enough, you could try 'dmsetup remove_all'.

Now you should be able to activate your LVs again.

Obviously 5.8 is somewhat older and there are some old bugs likely already 
fixed in newer releases - thus you may have far less problems with newer RHEL?
(or use support for reproducible bugs?)


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