[linux-lvm] Bug with converting a large mirror to raid1

SPUeNTRUP - Kai Henningsen support-kh-m-lvm at cats.ms
Wed Dec 10 15:56:54 UTC 2014


I have some trouble converting a large (approx. 2TiB) mirrored partition to raid1. It
worked just fine with a small partition (after I reduced the big one by
1 GB to allow for the rmeta partitions).

I first tried this using the standard Ubuntu lvm2, then compiled a
newer version myself; no dice. (The following is without any -R
options, but adding those seems to make no difference whatsoever.)
(From googling, the root problem is that this needs a bigger
region_size so as to not create more regions than MD can cope with.)

My next plan is to take away one hd's mirror partition, create a new
one-hd raid1 partition, move the data, drop the remaining mirrored
partition, and create a second partition for the raid1 ...

Attached are the logs from

log {
The _log it complains about is the former log conf, renamed so I'd not
lose it.

Hope that's enough info.

# more /sys/block/sd?/device/model                                                                                                                   
# pvs
  PV         VG       Fmt  Attr PSize PFree
  /dev/sda5  lisbeth0 lvm2 a--  1,82t 1,00g
  /dev/sdb5  lisbeth0 lvm2 a--  1,82t 1,00g
# vgs
  VG       #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize VFree
  lisbeth0   2   5   0 wz--n- 3,64t 2,00g
# lvs
  LV        VG       Attr      LSize    Pool Origin Data%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  data      lisbeth0 mwi-aom--    1,80t                             100,00
  data_mlog lisbeth0 mwa-a-m--    4,00m                             100,00
  root      lisbeth0 rwi-aor--   17,63g                             100,00
  swap_1    lisbeth0 -wi-ao--- 1012,00m
  swap_2    lisbeth0 -wi-ao--- 1012,00m

* Ubuntu 14.04.1 version

# lvconvert --version
  LVM version:     2.02.98(2) (2012-10-15)
  Library version: 1.02.77 (2012-10-15)
  Driver version:  4.27.0
# lvconvert --type raid1 lisbeth0/data
  device-mapper: reload ioctl on  failed: Das Argument ist ungültig
  Failed to suspend lisbeth0/data before committing changes
  Device '/dev/sda5' has been left open.
  Device '/dev/sdb5' has been left open.
  Device '/dev/sdb5' has been left open.
  Device '/dev/sda5' has been left open.
  Device '/dev/sdb5' has been left open.
  Device '/dev/sda5' has been left open.

* Self-compiled version from

# lvconvert --version
  Configuration section "_log" unknown.
  LVM version:     2.02.114(2)-git (2014-11-28)
  Library version: 1.02.92-git (2014-11-28)
  Driver version:  4.27.0
# lvconvert --type raid1 lisbeth0/data
  Configuration section "_log" unknown.
  device-mapper: reload ioctl on  failed: Das Argument ist ungültig
  Failed to lock logical volume lisbeth0/data.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Münster /
with kind regards - Kai Henningsen

SPUeNTRUP Software
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Mail:	support-(firma)@cats.ms
	support-kh-m-lvm at cats.ms
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