[linux-lvm] Missing Logical Volumes

G Crowe gclvmlist at crowie.net
Fri Dec 19 10:32:25 UTC 2014

After rebooting, some of my logical volumes did not have device files.

did not exist but the output of "lvdisplay" said that the volume was 
available (see below).

vgscan did not resolve the problem.

I was able to regain access to the LV by renaming it, then renaming it 
[root at host1 ~]# lvrename /dev/array1/LVpics /dev/array1/LVpicsnew
   Renamed "LVpics" to "LVpicsnew" in volume group "array1"
[root at host1 ~]# lvrename /dev/array1/LVpicsnew /dev/array1/LVpics
   Renamed "LVpicsnew" to "LVpics" in volume group "array1"

There are 29 LVs in the VG and 25 of them came up OK and 4 had this 
problem. Note that there is only one single PV (a RAID6 array) in the 
VG, and there are two VGs on the machine.

Is this expected behaviour, or is it something I should be worried about?

   --- Logical volume ---
   LV Path                /dev/array1/LVpics
   LV Name                LVpics
   VG Name                array1
   LV UUID                WH7g9u-Ls7J-fIpQ-Hk2p-mUuH-QRKf-9uxcM2
   LV Write Access        read/write
   LV Creation host, time example.com, 2013-11-26 07:29:51 +1100
   LV Status              available
   # open                 0
   LV Size                350.00 GiB
   Current LE             89600
   Segments               2
   Allocation             inherit
   Read ahead sectors     auto
   - currently set to     256
   Block device           253:9

I am running Fedora 19 with kernel 3.11.9-200.fc19.x86_64



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