[linux-lvm] Booting through LVM. Possible ?

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Fri Apr 17 08:15:23 UTC 2015

Dne 16.4.2015 v 19:37 georges.giralt at free.fr napsal(a):
> Hello !
> I've got this new laptop which has a traditional disk and an M.2 NGFF SSD disk. So for the first time I'll plan to use LVM on a laptop. (I constantly use LVM at work on bare metal or virtual systems).
> The disk of my laptop is 4K sector size, GPT partitioned with an EFI partition for some utilities and Windows boot, and the SSD can be partitioned.
> As I plan to install a very recent Ubuntu LTS release I wonder is I still need a plain partition for the /boot or if current Grub version can handle /boot out of an lvm lv ?
> I've seen a lot of negative answer so I ask "at the source" ;-)
> Thank you in advance for your answer.

I'd strongly recommend to use separate  /boot partition.

Lvm2 does not support grub - although some distributions pretends so and in 
some cases, like plain linear volume, it somehow works...


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