[linux-lvm] Higher than expected metadata usage?

Gionatan Danti g.danti at assyoma.it
Tue Mar 27 07:44:22 UTC 2018

Hi all,
I can't wrap my head on the following reported data vs metadata usage 
before/after a snapshot deletion.

System is an updated CentOS 7.4 x64

[root@ ~]# lvs
   LV           VG         Attr       LSize  Pool         Origin  Data% 
Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
   000-ThinPool vg_storage twi-aot---  7.21t                      80.26 
   Storage      vg_storage Vwi-aot---  7.10t 000-ThinPool         76.13 

   ZZZSnap      vg_storage Vwi---t--k  7.10t 000-ThinPool Storage

As you can see, a ~80% full data pool resulted in a ~57% metadata usage

[root@ ~]# lvremove vg_storage/ZZZSnap
   Logical volume "ZZZSnap" successfully removed
[root@ ~]# lvs
   LV           VG         Attr       LSize  Pool         Origin Data% 
Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
   000-ThinPool vg_storage twi-aot---  7.21t                     74.95 
   Storage      vg_storage Vwi-aot---  7.10t 000-ThinPool        76.13

Now data is at ~75 (5% lower), but metadata is at only ~37%: a whopping 
20% metadata difference for a mere 5% data freed.

This was unexpected: I thought there was a more or less linear relation 
between data and metadata usage as, after all, the first is about 
allocated chunks tracked by the latter. I know that snapshots pose 
additional overhead on metadata tracking, but based on previous tests I 
expected this overhead to be much smaller. In this case, we are speaking 
about a 4X amplification for a single snapshot. This is concerning 
because I want to *never* run out of metadata space.

If it can help, just after taking the snapshot I sparsified some file on 
the mounted filesystem, *without* fstrimming it (so, from lvmthin 
standpoint, nothing changed on chunk allocation).

What am I missing? Is the "data%" field a measure of how many data 
chunks are allocated, or does it even track "how full" are these data 
chunks? This would benignly explain the observed discrepancy, as a 
partially-full data chunks can be used to store other data without any 
new metadata allocation.

Full LVM information:

[root@ ~]# lvs -a -o +chunk_size
   LV                   VG         Attr       LSize   Pool 
Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Chunk
   000-ThinPool         vg_storage twi-aot---   7.21t 
  74.95  36.94                            4.00m
   [000-ThinPool_tdata] vg_storage Twi-ao----   7.21t 
   [000-ThinPool_tmeta] vg_storage ewi-ao---- 116.00m 
   Storage              vg_storage Vwi-aot---   7.10t 000-ThinPool 
  76.13                                      0
   [lvol0_pmspare]      vg_storage ewi------- 116.00m 


Danti Gionatan
Supporto Tecnico
Assyoma S.r.l. - www.assyoma.it
email: g.danti at assyoma.it - info at assyoma.it
GPG public key ID: FF5F32A8

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