[mgmt] release: 0.0.14

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 23:25:17 UTC 2018

I've just released version 0.0.14 of mgmt!

> 118 files changed, 2688 insertions(+), 974 deletions(-)

There's some great new stuff that landed since
0.0.13, including:

* amazon AWS EC2 resource is now in git master.

* more automatic edges from new contributor Guillaume Herail (xiu)

* a move to golang 1.8 or higher

and so much more... This will probably be the last release before the
language lands in git master. It's a pretty giant patch coming :/


* We're > 1k stars on GitHub now. It's a silly metric, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

* Jonathan Gold has done a lot of hard work on the AWS EC2 resource,
and it's now in git master. There are still many things we'd like to
do, but it's a great start on what is a *monster* resource, and
hopefully it will inspire others to get involved.

In particular, it was a great learning experience (for me in
particular!) about how bad the EC2 golang API is. There are some
notable design bugs we found, and if anyone from Amazon engineering
would like to reach out to us, we'd love to provide some constructive

* Guillaume Herail (xiu) wrote some really nice patches, and picked up
on the autoedges API very quickly. Hopefully he'll have time to work on
even more!

* Paul Morgan sent us some nice shell fixups-- many more exist in an
open PR that didn't make it into this release. Hopefully we'll get
those merged by 0.0.15

* Felix Frank did a few Puppet compiler fix ups. I think he's been
refreshing his work with new resources recently...

* We're looking for help writing Google, DigitalOcean, Rackspace, etc
resources if anyone is interested, reach out to us. Particularly if
there is support from those organizations as well.

* See the git log for more NEWS, and for anything notable I left out!


There are a bunch of upcoming mgmt talks and events! Stay tuned for
details in the coming email, but TL;DR: Linux Conf Australia, FOSDEM, &
CfgMgmtCamp.eu -- from three different speakers, and including a
hackathon too!


We're still looking for new contributors, and there are easy, medium
and hard issues available! You're also welcome to suggest your own!
Please join us in #mgmtconfig on Freenode IRC, or ping this list if
you'd like help getting started! Expect many new tagged #mgmtlove
issues within the month.


We offer mentoring for new golang/mgmt hackers who want to get
involved. This is free and friendly. You get to improve your skills,
and we get some patches in return. Ping me off-list for details.


Thanks (alphabetically) to everyone who contributed to the latest
Felix Frank, Guillaume Herail, James Shubin, Jonathan Gold,
jonathangold, Julien Pivotto, Paul Morgan, Toshaan Bharvani
We had 8 unique committers since 0.0.13, and have had 41 overall.
run 'git log 0.0.13..0.0.14' to see what has changed since 0.0.13

Happy hacking,
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