[Octa-list] Octa Deployment Documentation and hypervisor support

Henry Robertson henry at redhat.com
Fri Apr 15 17:15:52 UTC 2011

Originally we wanted to be able to specific a Satellite profile in the RHEV portal and have it PXE/install that channel. Since the RHEV portal/api don't have those features (yet) we used Cobbler to fill in the gap. The RHEV portal is capable of creating a VM and attaching a boot iso or PXE booting already, we just wanted it to kickstart from Satellite without human intervention. The advanced Cobbler DDNS/DHCP setup was more for the 'on-demand' provisioning where we don't have any pre-defined DNS names.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Swift" <Greg_Swift at aotx.uscourts.gov>
To: "Henry Robertson" <henry at redhat.com>
Cc: octa-list at redhat.com
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 1:11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Octa-list] Octa Deployment Documentation and hypervisor support

Henry Robertson <henry at redhat.com> wrote on 04/15/2011 12:08:28 PM:

> OK. If you're not going to use the Satellite at all, I think I would
> just use the RHEV portal to provision new machines. Octa is required
> for the integration between RHEV and Satellite. If you're just using
> one then it's not necessary.

I thought octa was more for the integration of Cobbler (which satellite now
has included) and RHEV?


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