[olpc-software] Power efficient theme engine

Ronald G Minnich rminnich at lanl.gov
Sat Jun 3 20:56:09 UTC 2006

Mike Hearn wrote:

> a] Not a Windows 95 throwback :)
> b] Efficient to render, especially taking into account the primitives
> accelerated by the laptops GPU
> c] Small code-size wise

I'm a big fan of the plan 9 window manager (rio, I use it on linux) but 
it might be too primitive for you folks.

here it is:
[rminnich at q plan9]$ cd src/cmd/rio
[rminnich at q rio]$ ls
client.c  CVS      event.c  Imakefile  manage.c  mkriorules.sh  printevent.h
color.c   dat.h    fns.h    key.c      menu.c    patchlevel.h   README
cursor.c  error.c  grab.c   main.c     mkfile    printevent.c   xevents.c
[rminnich at q rio]$ wc *.c
    285    683   5458 client.c
     45    138    794 color.c
    381   1969  12788 cursor.c
    101    258   2109 error.c
    597   1399  11840 event.c
    675   2052  13305 grab.c
     65    154   1358 key.c
    539   1485  12713 main.c
    537   1433  11068 manage.c
    424    944   7472 menu.c
    986   2230  24160 printevent.c
     45    123   1176 xevents.c
   4680  12868 104241 total

or, if you don't like that, ... flwm is another one (not fwm, flwm)

personally, I've backed out to primitive-as-possible wm's, and I wonder 
if we really need glitzy themes for OLPC, or, instead, quiet, small, 
unobtrusive ones with ultra-low-power.


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