[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH] Rewriting the identify-node piece into two managed node units

Darryl L. Pierce dpierce at redhat.com
Tue Jun 10 21:59:29 UTC 2008

First crack at the awaken script. I haven't finished the keytab retrieving since I'm
not sure what the URL will be based on the hostname, et. al. But, the process is all
in bash and no dependency on Python.

Feedback is requested. Please be gentle... :)

Signed-off-by: Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
 identify-node/awaken.sh                            |   83 ++++++++
 wui/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb               |  101 ++++++-----
 wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-awaken.rb   |   93 +++++++++
 wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-identify.rb |  204 ++++++++++++++++++++
 wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser.rb          |  204 --------------------
 5 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 identify-node/awaken.sh
 create mode 100755 wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-awaken.rb
 create mode 100755 wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-identify.rb
 delete mode 100755 wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser.rb

diff --git a/identify-node/awaken.sh b/identify-node/awaken.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7148f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identify-node/awaken.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+if [ -z $SERVER ]; then
+    dnsreply=$(dig +short -t srv _ovirt-host._tcp.$(dnsdomainname))
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        set _ $dnsreply; shift
+        SERVER=$4; PORT=$3
+    else
+        SERVER=; PORT=
+    fi
+if [ -z $SERVER ]; then
+    echo "No server found..."
+    exit
+echo "Connecting to $SERVER:$PORT"...
+exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$SERVER/$PORT
+read 0<&3
+echo "Received: $REPLY"
+if [ $REPLY == "HELLO?" ]; then
+    echo "Starting wakeup conversation."
+    echo "HELLO!" 1>&3
+    read 0<&3
+    echo "Received: $REPLY"
+    if [ $REPLY == "MODE?" ]; then
+        echo "Sending wakeup notice."
+        echo "AWAKEN" 1>&3
+        read 0<&3
+        echo "Received: $REPLY"
+        KEYTAB=`echo $REPLY | awk '{ $2 }'`
+        if [ -n $KEYTAB ]; then
+            echo "Retrieving keytab: $KYTAB"
+        else
+            echo "No keytab to retrieve"
+        fi
+    else
+        echo "Did not get a mode request."
+    fi
+    echo "Did not get a proper startup marker."
+echo "Disconnecting."
diff --git a/wui/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb b/wui/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
index e127ddb..d3e9d85 100755
--- a/wui/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
+++ b/wui/src/host-browser/host-browser.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/ruby -Wall
 # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
 # Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class HostBrowser
     attr_accessor :logfile
     attr_accessor :keytab_dir
     attr_accessor :keytab_filename
     def initialize(session)
         @session = session
         @log_prefix = "[#{session.peeraddr[3]}] "
@@ -51,17 +51,28 @@ class HostBrowser
     # Ensures the conversation starts properly.
     def begin_conversation
-        puts "#{@log_prefix} Begin conversation"
+        puts "#{@log_prefix} Begin conversation" unless defined?(TESTING)
         response = @session.readline.chomp
         raise Exception.new("received #{response}, expected HELLO!") unless response == "HELLO!"
+    # Retrieves the mode request from the remote system.
+    #
+    def get_mode
+        puts "#{@log_prefix} Determining the runtime mode." unless defined?(TESTING)
+        @session.write("MODE?\n")
+        response = @session.readline.chomp
+        puts "#{@log_prefix} MODE=#{response}" unless defined?(TESTING)
+        response
+    end
     # Requests node information from the remote system.
     def get_remote_info
-        puts "#{@log_prefix} Begin remote info collection"
+        puts "#{@log_prefix} Begin remote info collection" unless defined?(TESTING)
         result = {}
         result['IPADDR'] = @session.peeraddr[3]
@@ -75,9 +86,9 @@ class HostBrowser
             key, value = info.split("=")
-            puts "#{@log_prefix} ::Received - #{key}:#{value}"
+            puts "#{@log_prefix} ::Received - #{key}:#{value}" unless defined?(TESTING)
             result[key] = value
             @session.write("ACK #{key}\n")
@@ -94,13 +105,13 @@ class HostBrowser
-        puts "Searching for existing host record..."
+        puts "Searching for existing host record..." unless defined?(TESTING)
         host = Host.find(:first, :conditions => ["uuid = ?", host_info['UUID']])
         if host == nil
-                puts "Creating a new record for #{host_info['HOSTNAME']}..."
+                puts "Creating a new record for #{host_info['HOSTNAME']}..." unless defined?(TESTING)
                     "uuid"            => host_info['UUID'],
                     "hostname"        => host_info['HOSTNAME'],
@@ -115,7 +126,7 @@ class HostBrowser
                     # successfully connects to it via libvirt.
                     "state"           => "unavailable").save
             rescue Exception => error
-                puts "Error while creating record: #{error.message}"
+                puts "Error while creating record: #{error.message}" unless defined?(TESTING)
             host.uuid         = host_info['UUID']
@@ -125,45 +136,43 @@ class HostBrowser
             host.arch         = host_info['ARCH']
             host.memory_in_mb = host_info['MEMSIZE']
         return host
-    # Ends the conversation, notifying the user of the key version number.
-    #
-    def end_conversation(ktab)
-        puts "#{@log_prefix} Ending conversation"
-        @session.write("KTAB #{ktab}\n")
-        response = @session.readline.chomp
-        raise Exception.new("ERROR! Malformed response : expected ACK, got #{response}") unless response == "ACK"
-        @session.write("BYE\n");
-    end
     # Creates a keytab if one is needed, returning the filename.
-    def create_keytab(host_info, krb5_arg = nil)
+    def create_keytab(hostname, ipaddress, krb5_arg = nil)
         krb5 = krb5_arg || Krb5.new
         default_realm = krb5.get_default_realm
-        libvirt_princ = 'libvirt/' + host_info['HOSTNAME'] + '@' + default_realm
-        outfile = host_info['IPADDR'] + '-libvirt.tab'
+        libvirt_princ = 'libvirt/' + hostname + '@' + default_realm
+        outfile = ipaddress + '-libvirt.tab'
         @keytab_filename = @keytab_dir + outfile
         # TODO need a way to test this portion
         unless defined? TESTING || File.exists?(@keytab_filename)
             # TODO replace with Kr5Auth when it supports admin actions
-            puts "Writing keytab file: #{@keytab_filename}"
+            puts "Writing keytab file: #{@keytab_filename}" unless defined?(TESTING)
             kadmin_local('addprinc -randkey ' + libvirt_princ)
             kadmin_local('ktadd -k ' + @keytab_filename + ' ' + libvirt_princ)
             File.chmod(0644, at keytab_filename)
-        return outfile
+        @session.write("KTAB #{outfile}\n")
+        response = @session.readline.chomp
+        raise Exception.new("ERRINFO! No keytab acknowledgement") unless response == "ACK"
+    end
+    # Ends the conversation, notifying the user of the key version number.
+    #
+    def end_conversation
+        puts "#{@log_prefix} Ending conversation" unless defined?(TESTING)
+        @session.write("BYE\n");
@@ -185,35 +194,39 @@ def entry_point(server)
     while(session = server.accept)
         child = fork do
             remote = session.peeraddr[3]
-            puts "Connected to #{remote}"
+            puts "Connected to #{remote}" unless defined?(TESTING)
             # This is needed because we just forked a new process
             # which now needs its own connection to the database.
                 browser = HostBrowser.new(session)
-                host_info = browser.get_remote_info
-                browser.write_host_info(host_info)
-                keytab = browser.create_keytab(host_info)
+                case browser.get_mode
+                    when "AWAKEN": browser.create_keytab(remote,session.peeraddr[3])
+                end
+                #host_info = browser.get_remote_info
+                #browser.write_host_info(host_info)
+                #keytab = browser.create_keytab(host_info)
             rescue Exception => error
                 session.write("ERROR #{error.message}\n")
-                puts "ERROR #{error.message}"
+                puts "ERROR #{error.message}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-            puts "Disconnected from #{remote}"
+            puts "Disconnected from #{remote}" unless defined?(TESTING)
-        Process.detach(child)        
-    end      
+        Process.detach(child)
+    end
 unless defined?(TESTING)
     # The main entry point.
     unless ARGV[0] == "-n"
diff --git a/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-awaken.rb b/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-awaken.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5a1bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-awaken.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -Wall
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test/test_helper'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'flexmock/test_unit'
+require 'host-browser'
+# +TestHostBrowserAwaken+
+class TestHostBrowserAwaken < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    @session = flexmock('session')
+    @session.should_receive(:peeraddr).at_least.once.returns { [nil,nil,nil,""] }
+    @krb5 = flexmock('krb5')
+    @browser = HostBrowser.new(@session)
+    @browser.logfile = './unit-test.log'
+    @browser.keytab_dir = '/var/temp/'
+  end
+  # Ensures that the server raises an exception when it receives an
+  # improper handshake response.
+  #
+  def test_begin_conversation_with_improper_response_to_greeting
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("HELLO?\n").once().returns { |greeting| greeting.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "SUP?" }
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.begin_conversation }
+  end
+  # Ensures the server accepts a proper response from the remote system.
+  #
+  def test_begin_conversation
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("HELLO?\n").once().returns { |greeting| greeting.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "HELLO!\n" }
+    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.begin_conversation }
+  end
+  # Ensures that the server is satisfied if the remote system is
+  # making a wakeup call.
+  #
+  def test_get_mode_with_awaken_request
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("MODE?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "AWAKEN\n" }
+    result = @browser.get_mode()
+    assert_equal "AWAKEN", result, "method did not return the right value"
+  end
+  # Ensures the host browser generates a keytab as expected.
+  #
+  def test_create_keytab
+    @krb5.should_receive(:get_default_realm).once().returns { "ovirt-test-realm" }
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("KTAB\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ACK\n" }
+    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.create_keytab('localhost','', at krb5) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if a keytab is present and a key version number available,
+  # the server ends the conversation by returning the key version number.
+  #
+  def test_end_conversation
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("BYE\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.end_conversation }
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-identify.rb b/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-identify.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6f4c660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser-identify.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -Wall
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test/test_helper'
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'flexmock/test_unit'
+require 'host-browser'
+class TestHostBrowser < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    @session = flexmock('session')
+    @session.should_receive(:peeraddr).at_least.once.returns { [nil,nil,nil,""] }
+    @krb5 = flexmock('krb5')
+    @browser = HostBrowser.new(@session)
+    @browser.logfile = './unit-test.log'
+    @browser.keytab_dir = '/var/temp/'
+    # default host info
+    @host_info = {}
+    @host_info['UUID']     = 'node1'
+    @host_info['IPADDR']   = ''
+    @host_info['HOSTNAME'] = 'node1.ovirt.redhat.com'
+    @host_info['NUMCPUS']  = '3'
+    @host_info['CPUSPEED'] = '3'
+    @host_info['ARCH']     = 'x86_64'
+    @host_info['MEMSIZE']  = '16384'
+    @host_info['DISABLED'] = '0'
+  end
+  # Ensures that the server raises an exception when it receives an
+  # improper handshake response.
+  #
+  def test_begin_conversation_with_improper_response_to_greeting
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("HELLO?\n").once().returns { |greeting| greeting.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "SUP?" }
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.begin_conversation }
+  end
+  # Ensures the server accepts a proper response from the remote system.
+  #
+  def test_begin_conversation
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("HELLO?\n").once().returns { |greeting| greeting.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "HELLO!\n" }
+    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.begin_conversation }
+  end
+  # Ensures that the server raises an exception when it receives
+  # poorly formed data while exchanging system information.
+  #
+  def test_get_info_with_bad_handshake
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "farkledina\n" }
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if an info field is missing a key, the server raises
+  # an exception.
+  #
+  def test_get_info_with_missing_key
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "=value1\n" }
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if an info field is missing a value, the server raises
+  # an exception.
+  #
+  def test_get_info_with_missing_value
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=\n" }
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if the server gets a poorly formed ending statement, it
+  # raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_get_info_with_invalid_end
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDIFNO\n" }
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
+  end
+  # Ensures that a well-formed transaction works as expected.
+  #
+  def test_get_info
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key2=value2\n" }
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key2\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDINFO\n" }
+    info = @browser.get_remote_info
+    assert_equal 3,info.keys.size, "Should contain two keys"
+    assert info.include?("IPADDR")
+    assert info.include?("key1")
+    assert info.include?("key2")
+  end
+  # Ensures the host browser generates a keytab as expected.
+  #
+  def test_create_keytab
+    @krb5.should_receive(:get_default_realm).once().returns { "ovirt-test-realm" }
+    result = @browser.create_keytab(@host_info, at krb5)
+    assert_equal @browser.keytab_filename, result, "Should have returned the keytab filename"
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if no UUID is present, the server raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_uuid
+    @host_info['UUID'] = nil
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if the hostname is missing, the server
+  # raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_hostname
+    @host_info['HOSTNAME'] = nil
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if the number of CPUs is missing, the server raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_numcpus
+    @host_info['NUMCPUS'] = nil
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if the CPU speed is missing, the server raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_cpuspeed
+    @host_info['CPUSPEED'] = nil
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if the architecture is missing, the server raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_arch
+    @host_info['ARCH'] = nil
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if the memory size is missing, the server raises an exception.
+  #
+  def test_write_host_info_info_with_missing_memsize
+    @host_info['MEMSIZE'] = nil
+    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
+  end
+  # Ensures that, if a keytab is present and a key version number available,
+  # the server ends the conversation by returning the key version number.
+  #
+  def test_end_conversation
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("KTAB 12345\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ACK\n" }
+    @session.should_receive(:write).with("BYE\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
+    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.end_conversation(12345) }
+  end
diff --git a/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser.rb b/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 6f4c660..0000000
--- a/wui/src/host-browser/test-host-browser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -Wall
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
-# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test/test_helper'
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'flexmock/test_unit'
-require 'host-browser'
-class TestHostBrowser < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  def setup
-    @session = flexmock('session')
-    @session.should_receive(:peeraddr).at_least.once.returns { [nil,nil,nil,""] }
-    @krb5 = flexmock('krb5')
-    @browser = HostBrowser.new(@session)
-    @browser.logfile = './unit-test.log'
-    @browser.keytab_dir = '/var/temp/'
-    # default host info
-    @host_info = {}
-    @host_info['UUID']     = 'node1'
-    @host_info['IPADDR']   = ''
-    @host_info['HOSTNAME'] = 'node1.ovirt.redhat.com'
-    @host_info['NUMCPUS']  = '3'
-    @host_info['CPUSPEED'] = '3'
-    @host_info['ARCH']     = 'x86_64'
-    @host_info['MEMSIZE']  = '16384'
-    @host_info['DISABLED'] = '0'
-  end
-  # Ensures that the server raises an exception when it receives an
-  # improper handshake response.
-  #
-  def test_begin_conversation_with_improper_response_to_greeting
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("HELLO?\n").once().returns { |greeting| greeting.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "SUP?" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.begin_conversation }
-  end
-  # Ensures the server accepts a proper response from the remote system.
-  #
-  def test_begin_conversation
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("HELLO?\n").once().returns { |greeting| greeting.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "HELLO!\n" }
-    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.begin_conversation }
-  end
-  # Ensures that the server raises an exception when it receives
-  # poorly formed data while exchanging system information.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_bad_handshake
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "farkledina\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if an info field is missing a key, the server raises
-  # an exception.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_missing_key
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "=value1\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if an info field is missing a value, the server raises
-  # an exception.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_missing_value
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the server gets a poorly formed ending statement, it
-  # raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_get_info_with_invalid_end
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDIFNO\n" }
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.get_remote_info }
-  end
-  # Ensures that a well-formed transaction works as expected.
-  #
-  def test_get_info
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("INFO?\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key1=value1\n" }
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key1\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "key2=value2\n" }
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("ACK key2\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ENDINFO\n" }
-    info = @browser.get_remote_info
-    assert_equal 3,info.keys.size, "Should contain two keys"
-    assert info.include?("IPADDR")
-    assert info.include?("key1")
-    assert info.include?("key2")
-  end
-  # Ensures the host browser generates a keytab as expected.
-  #
-  def test_create_keytab
-    @krb5.should_receive(:get_default_realm).once().returns { "ovirt-test-realm" }
-    result = @browser.create_keytab(@host_info, at krb5)
-    assert_equal @browser.keytab_filename, result, "Should have returned the keytab filename"
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if no UUID is present, the server raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_uuid
-    @host_info['UUID'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the hostname is missing, the server
-  # raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_hostname
-    @host_info['HOSTNAME'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the number of CPUs is missing, the server raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_numcpus
-    @host_info['NUMCPUS'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the CPU speed is missing, the server raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_cpuspeed
-    @host_info['CPUSPEED'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the architecture is missing, the server raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_with_missing_arch
-    @host_info['ARCH'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if the memory size is missing, the server raises an exception.
-  #
-  def test_write_host_info_info_with_missing_memsize
-    @host_info['MEMSIZE'] = nil
-    assert_raise(Exception) { @browser.write_host_info(@host_info) }
-  end
-  # Ensures that, if a keytab is present and a key version number available,
-  # the server ends the conversation by returning the key version number.
-  #
-  def test_end_conversation
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("KTAB 12345\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    @session.should_receive(:readline).once().returns { "ACK\n" }
-    @session.should_receive(:write).with("BYE\n").once().returns { |request| request.length }
-    assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { @browser.end_conversation(12345) }
-  end

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