Pam configuration files

Heiko Hund heiko at
Wed Feb 25 18:48:37 UTC 2004

Hey Boris,

> Now it is even more interesting. I wrote a sample module and I printed out
> the PAM_SERVICE item for FTP connection and it was "ftp" and not "ftpd"
> So what is it a typo in the Administration Guide?

not at all. Every PAM enabled application chooses its own service name. 
Therefore it could be anything. It is only a convention to choose the 
name of the app. Obviously your ftpd chose `ftp' as a service name. That 
also is why the file in /etc/pam.d is named `ftp' and not `ftpd'. If you 
dislike that, you may recompile the ftpd with a service name you like.

  of course they say every atom of our body was once part of a star
  maybe I'm not leaving, maybe I'm going home
------------------------------------------------------ [gattaca] --

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