Creating / Removing users "on the fly"

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at
Fri Feb 6 18:05:49 UTC 2015

On 06/02/15 16:53, Cary FitzHugh wrote:
> I've got a situation where I have a very large number of "users", one
> where I can't be sure all my user accounts would fit on a single machine.
> Additionally - all the users are going to do is set up reverse tunnels.
> They can only auth via the authorized_keys as well.  And they don't

They don't what? Execute commands?

It sounds to me as though you could perhaps give them all access to the 
same unprivileged uid (similar to the way all git pushes to github go 
via ssh://, and use "forced commands" in the 
authorized_keys file to restrict them to setting up port-forwarding but 
not terminals, command execution or whatever. Confining that 
unprivileged uid to a very restrictive chroot or container would 
probably also be a good idea. No PAM required, except possibly for 
rlimits and chroot.



Simon McVittie
Collabora Ltd. <>

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