[PatternFly] Where would you point a UX person wanting to help out?

Jonathan Yu jawnsy at redhat.com
Mon Apr 3 18:42:23 UTC 2017

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Suzanne Hillman <wispfox at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm hoping to get involved in patternfly, but found the public-facing jira
> page rather opaque.

Sorry to hear that - hopefully we can use your feedback to improve the
experience :)

I suggest joining our Slack channel; you can get an invite from

> I was wondering if there were any specific aspects that need more UX eyes
> or suggestions or ideas.
> I've got a lot of experience working with Linux, primarily as QE, and have
> just finished a UX internship with Fedora through Outreachy. I'm hoping to
> get more involved in UX in the open source space.

Sweet, welcome! I think you'll find that the PatternFly team is really
welcoming and always willing to help. Sorry that I don't really have any
concrete suggestions (I'm mostly a PatternFly user, and not part of the
core team) but someone else should be around with better advice shortly :)

Jonathan Yu / Software Engineer, OpenShift by Red Hat / @jawnsy

*“There are a million ways to get rich. But there’s only one way to stay
rich: Humility, often to the point of paranoia. The irony is that few
things squash humility like getting rich in the first place.”* — Morgan
Housel, Getting Rich vs. Staying Rich
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