[publican-list] Publican Windows Issues

Misty misty.sj at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 07:28:06 UTC 2010

I've got a couple of issues that seem to be unique to Publican Windows. I'm
running Publican 1.3, freshly downloaded today, on Windows 7.

The first problem I found is that if I have a dot (.) in the title of my
document in the <articleinfo> sectiion of Article_info.xml, I get a parse
error. It looks like this:

Could not create file parser context for file
"Overview_of_the_elev.at_API.xml": No error at Publican/Builder.pm line 498

In this particular instance I wanted the dot, because I was documenting the
API at http://elev.at.  Removing the dot resolved the issue, but someone in
the Publican IRC channel confirmed that this behavior does not exist on

The second problem I am having is with generating a PDF.  Here is the

C:\Users\misty\docbook\elevat>publican build --formats=pdf --langs=en-US
Setting up en-US
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml/Common_Content/Conventions.xml
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml/Common_Content/Feedback.xml
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml/Common_Content/Legal_Notice.xml
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml_tmp/Article_Info.xml
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml_tmp/Author_Group.xml
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml_tmp/Revision_History.xml
        Processing file tmp/en-US/xml_tmp/overview_of_the_elev_AT_api.xml
Beginning work on en-US
        Starting pdf
        Using XML::LibXSLT on C:/Program Files/Publican/xsl/pdf.xsl
Making portrait pages on A4 paper (210mmx297mm)
'classpath' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
        Finished pdf

No PDF gets written. I tried Googling for this, but found nothing. I assume
that a - is getting eaten somewhere. It is supposed to be -classpath,

FYI, the HTML builds just fine. Thanks for your assistance!

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