[publican-list] Branding not applied when using --embedtoc with Publican 3.1.5

James Pooton jpooton at videonextfederal.com
Fri May 17 01:08:07 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Jeff Fearn <jfearn at redhat.com> wrote:
> --embedtoc basically means "build this to use in a publican web site". The
> website contains the missing content. It's done this way so that you can
> change the style on a web site without having to rebuild every book or
> replace a mass of files.
> http://jfearn.fedorapeople.**org/en-US/Publican/3.0/html/**
> Users_Guide/sect-Users_Guide-**Website.html
> <http://jfearn.fedorapeople.org/en-US/Publican/3.0/html/Users_Guide/sect-Users_Guide-Website.html>

That's actually the page I was working through. :)  I guess my question is
this.  That doc states:

"The Publican-generated home page is the localizable page to which visitors
are directed by the site JavaScript and which **provides the style** for
the website structure."

So I created a home page article per the directions, adding "web_type:
home" and "brand: videoNEXT" to its publican.cfg.  However, when building
it for install, instructions ask for the following:

publican build --publish --formats html-single --embedtoc --langs all

Which results in HTML without any brand/style content applied, apparently
because of the --embedtoc.(?)  So installing this into the website doesn't
seem to bring with our brand/style information.  I'm sure I'm missing
something simple here, but what part of the process supplies the
brand/style css and (common_content) images to the web doc root?  I was
assuming it came with the home page article, or is it supposed to be
manually gathered?

To be clear, after going through the process of create_site, adding a home
page article, and one other book. (both added to the web site). I can see
the "content" from the home page and book doc when browsing, but there are
lots of 404s as you'll see below:


Thanks again!
James Pooton
videoNEXT Federal Systems, Inc.
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