[Pulp-dev] RPM plugin meeting notes

Tatiana Tereshchenko ttereshc at redhat.com
Thu Apr 4 19:19:59 UTC 2019


   - ppicka joined RPM mini-team
      - welcome :)

Pulp 2:

   - dkliban to plan release of 2.19.1 soon to release the migration issue
   https://pulp.plan.io/issues/4617 and other bugfixes which will be
   completed in time for the release
   - https://pulp.plan.io/issues/4631 Pulp allows uploading RPM as SRPM
   - waiting for the feedback on priority and potential contribution from
      the reporter, ipanova is on it

Pulp 3:

   - challenges with distributing Pulp 3 RPM
   - https://github.com/rpm-software-management/createrepo_c/issues/145

   - complex copy use cases, including recursive copy
      - where do we plan to put copy functionality as far as the REST API
      - has to happen before depsolving can happen, needed to integrate
      with Katello
      - repositories themselves are content agnostic, but we need to
      support content-specific options
      - do we create a "copier" object like remotes and publishers, and do
      something like /pulp/api/v3/copiers/rpm/package/ content_units=[...]
      source=.../repositories/... destination=...
         - dalley will start a mailing list discussion about unit copy

   - installer updates
      - discussion is ongoing https://pulp.plan.io/issues/4494#note-14
      - hopefully more progress next week

   - distribution/kickstart tree planning
      - reaching out to try to find official specs
      - reaching out to try to find use cases

   - demo candidates
      - dkliban to record demo of RPM on_demand sync of Centos 7 or EPEL 7

Open PRs

   - https://github.com/pulp/pulp_rpm/pulls
      - https://github.com/pulp/pulp_rpm/pull/1311
         - needs review and maybe an issue? +1
         - ppicka to create an issue


   - Un-triaged bugs
   - Triage etherpad https://etherpad.net/p/rpm_triage_grooming
      - issues triaged, some stories remain ungroomed, more info on the
      etherpad ^
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