[Pulp-dev] Pulp CLI Meeting Notes

Matthias Dellweg mdellweg at redhat.com
Wed Mar 17 17:02:36 UTC 2021

## March 17, 2021

* Better classification of options
    * I realized, we have three different types of options referring to
        * filter options (used for list_command)
        * lookup options (used for show, update, destroy)
        * resource options (used in update, create, sync, ... to reference
other options)
            * https://github.com/pulp/pulp-cli/pull/161
    * I see some potential for each of them to make the actual command
definition even more descriptive than today.
* Easier command chaining/sequences
    * Common workflows produce an href that needs to be manually copied to
be inspected or used in other commands. (publish, sync)
    * Suggestion: have Pulp context store output of previous command and
have it be referencable through new resource language
        * `pulp file publication create --repository foo`
        * `pulp file distribution create --publication p:href ...`
        * `pulp -b file repository sync --name foo`
        * `pulp task show --href p:task`
    * Reference language could use it's context features to have common
shorthands, aka p:pulp_href == p:href, p:latest_version_href == p:latest
    * This would need a notion of a session
        * Maybe we can implement a pulp-shell
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