[Pulp-list] feed urls in pulp

Pradeep Kilambi pkilambi at redhat.com
Tue May 10 11:51:07 UTC 2011

Hi All:

If you're using pulp via api or cli to manage repos note that the feed 
format has changed. I've merged my changes to update our feed urls to 
just be a url instead of type:url format. We now determine the type of 
feed by the proto on the url ie http/https/ftp/file etc.  The auto 
determined feed types will be either 'remote' or 'local' until we have a 
need for other remote types. I updated all the areas I found that were 
impacted by this change and are covered under our unit tests. I also 
grepped around and fixed other areas I could find. Our docs should now 
show the new format as well.

Please keep an eye on this and lemme know if you come across any other 
places that needs an update.

~ Prad

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