[Pulp-list] Sanity check w/r/t OpenSuSE's public 3rd party repos

Sebastian Sonne sebastian.sonne at noris.de
Tue Mar 26 08:01:22 UTC 2019

Hi Kodia,

you’re using the wrong URLs to synchronize, the x86_64 directory directly contains the packages. The baseurl needs to contain a folder called „repodata“, which in the case of the katacontainers repo would be http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/katacontainers:/releases:/x86_64:/stable-1.6/RHEL_7/


> Am 25.03.2019 um 22:50 schrieb Kodiak Firesmith <kfiresmith at gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> So..  I have a problem and it could be our enterprise proxy, or it could be Pulp.  I've upgraded a test server to the latest version of Pulp GA (2.18.1) to try to resolve, but no matter what, hosted YUM repos on download.opensuse.org will *not* sync down to my pulp servers.  The metadata syncs fine, then it pulls in zero RPMs and zero deltarpms, then fails with 'error retrieving metadata'.
> A couple repositories I've tested are:
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/katacontainers:/releases:/x86_64:/stable-1.6/RHEL_7/x86_64/
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/polyconvex:/NM/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/x86_64/
> Here's what it looks like to the admin running a sync:
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/smQW3pfpc2AwdWvJ7ntuqQ
> And here's what's logged into syslog:
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/TPGMjKMpyJGrOaG4v8ufZg
> I have two theories (assuming it isn't our bluecoat proxies) that come solely from a non-developer standpoint:
> 1.  something is wonky with Suse's implementation of CDN using something called MirrorBrain that I know nothing about.
> 2.  Pulp doesn't like colons in URLs - there are a ton of colons in every Opensuse YUM repo.
> So, would anyone else perhaps not behind a proxy try to sync one of those repos?  And then of course if it is having problems even not behind a proxy, I suppose my next step will be to file a story on pulp.plan.io.
> Thanks!
>  - Kodiak
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Sebastian Sonne
IT Systems Engineer (Linux)
Systems & Applications

noris network AG
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Tel +49 911 9352 1184
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Email sebastian.sonne at noris.de

noris network AG - Mehr Leistung als Standard
Vorstand: Ingo Kraupa (Vorsitzender), Joachim Astel, Jürgen Städing
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Stefan Schnabel - AG Nürnberg HRB 17689
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