Messed up initial filesystem, need to revise.

Roger Harrell roger at
Fri Apr 2 17:13:14 UTC 2004

I messed up during my initial install and the filesystem didn't get set 
up properly:
df -hi gives
/dev/hda5               949K     24K    926K    3% /
/dev/hda1                26K      41     26K    1% /boot
none                     16K       1     16K    1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda2               3.7M     67K    3.6M    2% /usr
/dev/hda3               625K     20K    606K    4% /var

This machine has several gigs of data on it so I know something is off. 
Obviously the filesystem above does not utilize the full 80 gig 
harddrive in the machine. I didn't notice this until after I have 
installed and configured a lot of stuff. How can I determine where the 
files "really" are, and then expand/fix the file system to accomodate?

Roger Harrell

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