Redhat Linux 9 Server No Work

Wesa, Richard (GE Consumer & Industrial) Richard.Wesa at
Wed Apr 14 19:27:36 UTC 2004

Good afternoon everyone,
I have installed Redhat 9 Server for the 18th time and it is still not useable on a typical
Microsoft network. Windows workstations cannot connect to it but it is visible on the network.
I have configured SWAT and Samba Server for every security mode and  the server is still
not usable. What tiny thing am I forgetting to do?
I would appreciate anybody's input.
Thanks... Richard Wesa


Richard W. Wesa 
815-772-1437  *Dcom 328-1437  *Fax 815-772-1186 
709 West Wall Street 
Morrison, Illinois 61270 

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