installed new hard drive - now can't find it

Mark Knecht mknecht at
Wed Apr 28 17:26:40 UTC 2004

Dana Holland wrote:
> It finally dawned on us to try Dell support since that's who we just 
> bought the drive from.  It's a hardware RAID - they had us initialize 
> the drives using the Array Configuration Manager, and now they have a 
> couple of more commands they want us to run - supposedly after that the 
> additional space will be visible.  However, they're suggesting that we 
> do a full system backup before we run these last commands.  I know how 
> to do a system backup on AIX, but I've never done one on Linux - I've 
> always just tarred what was important to me to a tape or another box. 
> Plus, this is further complicated by the fact that we have an Oracle 
> database on this box.  Can anyone point me to directions for doing a 
> system backup?  As usual, I'm searching the internet for the 
> information, but we're getting into a crunch timewise.

    As others have suggested by now we didn't know this was hardware RAID.

    As for backups I haven't seen Mondo Rescue mentioned yet so I'll 
offer that as an option. It's a bit difficult to set up, or was for me, 
but it seems interesting and quite capable. One benefit (for me) Was 
it's ability to split the output into chunks the right side to fit on 
CDRW or DVD+RW type media, so you can back up to a hard disk and then 
write DVD's after the job is done.

Good luck,

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