Please Help!! - "Kernel Panic - Attempted to kill init!"

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Fri Jul 23 16:39:22 UTC 2004

Steve Kasian wrote:
> --- "Waldher, Travis R" <Travis.R.Waldher at> wrote:
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Steve Kasian [mailto:stevekasian at] 
>>>Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 1:58 AM
>>>To: redhat-install-list at
>>>Subject: Please Help!! - "Kernel Panic - Attempted to kill init!"
>>>Please, no complaints about my text not being exactly how you 
>>>like to read it, etc...  this is childish and pointless.  I 
>>>am only looking for responses from those of you whom actually 
>>>KNOW EXACTLY what the deal is with this error, and can give 
>>>me an educated response as to how I can correct it.  No 
>>>"iffy" suggestions please.  I have spent literally weeks 
>>>going through hundreds of suggestions and had absolutely no 
>>>luck with any of them getting me anywhere other than 
>>>frustrated as all heck.
>>Well dude, I was going to reply and ask if you started the install
>>the nousb switch or any others.
>>But seeing as how my response is iffy... Maybe I won't.
>>I understand your upset and frustrated, but taking it out on people
>>isn't the answer.
> Travis... once again, another empty-headed response from someone who has
> no business replying in the first place.  The only people taking
> anything out on anyone here are people like yourself, who respond with
> stupid, pointless emails.  I tell you I'm not interested in hearing from
> people like yourself, so you respond anyway... just out of spite?  Grow
> up and get a life out from behind your monitor.
> This is the exact reason why I have sat on this issue and never posted
> anything about it anywhere on the net for the last YEAR... because I
> just KNEW there would be nothing but a bunch of losers out there like
> the last two idiots filling up the thread with a bunch of worthless B.S.
>  I thought maybe I'd finally found a forum where there might be some
> level of intelligence.  Apparently I was wrong.
> Good luck, everyone.  I'm out.

Fine.  Good riddance.

Jesus!  He comes here asking for help, then calls us names, gets pissed
off and leaves.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-           Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.            -

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