RH v8.0 Performance

Karl Pearson karlp at ourldsfamily.com
Thu Jun 3 20:12:30 UTC 2004

On Thu, June 3, 2004 10:34 am, Rick Stevens said:
> Karl Pearson wrote:
> Have you done a "top" to see which processes are sucking up the CPU?
> Those are the ones to tweak.
> Note that spamassassin can be a real CPU hog (perl often is)--expecially
> if you have large corpuses to go through for spam classification.  I'm
> not saying that's the culprit, but our systems use bogofilter (written
> in C).

I've run top for 'minutes' at a time and see that httpd and spamd are two
of the most likely culprits, thus my attempt at increasing httpd
performance before posting. When httpd is at the top, it's using only
about 5% CPU, whereas when spamd is at the top of the list, it's using
99.9%. Same for clamd, but it's not at the top very often.


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