RedHat on Dell I8600

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Fri Jun 18 16:18:07 UTC 2004

Yung H. wrote:
>>Check the memory size of the card in xorg.conf and make sure it reflects
>>how much RAM is actually on the card (it sometimes guesses wrong). 
> Also
>>use "system-config-display" and make sure you have the right monitor
>>specified there.  If the system got the monitor wrong, it won't let
> you
>>set up configurations that'll violate the monitor's sync rates.
>>When you change your resolution and it won't start, check the X logs
>>and see if there's an issue that's logged.
> Hi Rick, thanks for the reply!
> I'm not sure which model the monitor for the Inspiron 8600 is, so I
> tried using the Generic LCD monitor for 1920x1200 using the
> system-config-display command you suggested and when I tried that X
> didn't crash, but it just got stuck on a blue screen.

Well, that could be either the memory or color depth.  Looking at the
Dell site, that monitor setting should be OK.

> Also I'm not sure on which section of the xorg.conf I need to specify
> the amount of memory, I think it's not even specified at this moment,
> can you advise where I can see that information?

It's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, in the "Device" section.  Add a line in
the section about your video card:

	VideoRam  RAM-size-in-kilobytes

Again, based on the Dell site, you can have 32M, 64M or 128M of video
RAM.  Select one of these lines to stuff in there:

	VideoRam   32768
	VideoRam   65536
	VideoRam   131072

You may also need to change the "Screen" section and either change or
add the "DefaultDepth" parameter.  It specifies the number of bits used
for each color on the screen and is usually a value of 16 (thousands of
colors) or 24 (millions of colors).
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-                       When in doubt, mumble.                       -

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