Mozilla-1.4.2 UP2DATEd thru Red Hat Alert

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Thu Mar 18 19:57:10 UTC 2004

Chris A Czerwinski wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 13:24, Rick Stevens wrote:
>>Chris A Czerwinski wrote:
>>>I have just finished Up2Date thru Red Hat Alert
>>>which upgraded my Mozilla to mozilla-1.4.2-0.9.0
>>>I have now lost my mozilla plugins e.g. flashplayer, libflashplayer.
>>>I think I have lost my java link - as I now get an Error
>>>JavaScript Application
>>>! Error-Unregistered OpenCube DHTML Effect - (
>>>What and How do I get them back?
>>Mozilla is installed in /usr/lib/mozilla-(version).  Plugins are
>>installed in the "/plugins" directory of that location.  To get your
>>plugins back, copy the stuff from the the previous version's /plugins
>>directory.  I can't tell you the exact name of the directory as I don't
>>know what the previous version of Mozilla was, but the command
>>"ls -ld /usr/lib/mozilla*" will show you the names involved.
>>Note that the previous version's java stuff is most likely a symbolic
>>link to the Java runtime interpreter.  Make the same link in the new
>>Mozilla's /plugins.  Do NOT copy that link (that'll put a copy of the
>>interpreter in /plugins which won't work right), but do the symlink
>>manually.  In my case, that's
>>     # cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
>>     # ln -s 
>>The other stuff is safe to copy.
> Copied the files to /usr/lob/mozilla-1.4.2/plugins
>  and it shows up in Mozilla -> help -> Plugins            so that works
> However I made the link in there also /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4.2/plugins 
>           when should have made it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
> so what is the command to remove the symbolic link from
>          /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4.2/plugins 
> and then I will reapply in 
>          /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

Well, generally /usr/lib/mozilla is a symbolic link to the current
version of Mozilla.  If you did the "ls -ld /usr/lib/mozilla*", you
may have seen this at the end of one of the lines:

	/usr/lib/mozilla -> mozilla-1.4.2

If so, you don't need to change anything as putting the link in
mozilla-1.4.2/plugins is the same thing as mozilla/plugins.  Symbolic
links are aliases, meaning that "/usr/lib/mozilla" is just another name
for "/usr/lib/mozilla-1.4.2".

Mozilla is run as "/usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla", so having
"/usr/lib/mozilla" point at the current version makes it easy to upgrade
versions, but still be able to go back to a previous version if the new
one doesn't work.  This is done by installing in a new
/usr/lib/mozilla-(version)" directory and changing the symbolic link.
If you don't like it, change the symbolic link back to the previous

For example, here's what I have (cleaned up to fit the display):

[root at prophead root]# ls -ld /usr/lib/mozilla*
/usr/lib/mozilla -> mozilla-1.6

So, I have versions of Mozilla from 1.2.1 through 1.6, but the active
one is 1.6.

Symbolic links are special files.  "rm" will delete them.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-   To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.    -

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