Gnome Installation Problem

Vincent Ngundi vincent at
Tue Apr 12 08:42:14 UTC 2005

Hi All,

I installed RedHat 9 on a server but without X Windows and neither Gnome
nor KDE. Now I need to run an application that requires Gnome from
another host.

When I try running 'redhat-config-packages', I get the following error:

##################beginning of error###################################

Unable to import gtk module.  This may be due to running without
$DISPLAY set.  Exception was:
could not open display
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/redhat-config-packages/", line 11, in ?
NameError: name 'sys' is not defined

################## end of error###################################

Could anyone please let me know how to install Gnome given the above

Thnx in advance.


"It's not the bullet with my name on it that worries me. It's the one
that says 'To whom it may concern'."

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