Outbound formail/procmail

Rick Stevens rstevens at vitalstream.com
Mon Apr 18 18:36:54 UTC 2005

karlp at ourldsfamily.com wrote:
> Is there a way to filter outbound email? Here's one possible scenario:
> Young son, too young to have a girl friend. Mom wants me to see if he's
> emailing her or vice-versa. Procmail filter on her:
> :0:
> * ^From:.*hername at herhost.com
>        ! MOM at ourhost.com
> Now then, Mom has asked to get some type of filter on the outbound so if
> he emails her, Mom knows what's been sent and it doesn't go out.
> Draconian? Yes it is. You don't know my wife. She believes in parental
> rights and that minor children have none. I married her, so I have to
> believe that way, too. so, I try to do what "she who must be obeyed" says
> to do.

You can edit /etc/mail/access and add something like:

	To:hername at herhost.com	REJECT
	To:hername at herhost.com	DISCARD

Then stop and restart mail:  "service sendmail restart".  The first
would reject the message with an error code, the second would silently
discard the message.

I don't know of an easy way for your wife to get a copy of the message
unless you modify the submit.cf's "check_rcpt" ruleset to redirect the
mail to your wife.

As far as your wife's watching your son's mail, I can only say:

	Bravo!  Hear, hear!

I certainly don't consider her watchdogging draconian.  More parents
should take this kind of interest.  Far too many parents use inadequate
supervision with their children and we end up with class A wackos like
Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, Jeffrey Dahmer and those kids who shoot
up their schools, plant bombs or hit other kids in the head with
baseball bats because they were teased about losing a game.  Sheesh!

There are just too many perverts and evildoers on the net to allow any
minor to have free access of any kind (mail, chat rooms, web browsing,
you name it).
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at vitalstream.com -
- VitalStream, Inc.                       http://www.vitalstream.com -
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