linux domain

Waldher, Travis R Travis.R.Waldher at
Wed Apr 20 17:33:10 UTC 2005

>From: ajay [mailto:sysadmin at] 
>Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:51 AM
>To: redhat
>Subject: linux domain
>i want to make my linux box as pdc (domain) and people to login there and >also want to keep log of all logins and logouts in linux server with date >and time, also tell what changes i have to make in /etc/syslog.config to >acomplish this. 
>thanks for help

The fact that you referenced a linux "domain controller" as a pdc tells me you're a mostly Windows shop.

I would highly recommend finding a good book about Linux, NIS, DNS, etc. and starting there.

To answer your question the services you are looking for are either NIS (NIS+ has been abandoned last I heard) or LDAP.  LDAP is the way of the future, but is NOT directly compatible with Windows AD.

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