School and Grades

Waldher, Travis R Travis.R.Waldher at
Thu Apr 21 15:23:13 UTC 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: brad.mugleston at [mailto:brad.mugleston at]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:50 PM
> To: Red Hat Install
> Subject: School and Grades
> Just got midterm grades - looks like I need to block some IM and
> what ever else it is the kids are using on the internet but I
> still need to give them internet access for research.

While you will get good advice on how to do this.  The energy will most
likely be for not.

There are web forums, web email, etc. that kids can use to talk on, just
like IM.  So if time wasted on the computer is the cause of bad grades,
then maybe say no to the computers and make them go to a library.

So unless you plan on blocking all web traffic, except for say the
encyclopedia britanica.  Your energy will probably be wasted.

(Boy... do I look forward to this in the future after the twins are

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