Asni emulator client for Linux rh8.0

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Wed Apr 27 16:07:47 UTC 2005

Francisco Ruiz wrote:
> I have a text base application that runs on a SCO box.  The application
> seems to only like ansi emulation from what ever connection it receives.
> I have RH8.0 box I need to telnet to the SCO box using ansi emulation.
> Is there any freeware out there to accomplish this?

Just use telnet.  When you log into the SCO box, use the normal shell
commands to set the terminal type AT THE SCO BOX'S PROMPT:

	$ TERM=vt100;export TERM;tput init

(assuming a Bourne shell...modify as appropriate for C shell or Korn

The telnet client on Linux actually does ANSI (a.k.a. VT100) emulation
with extensions (to handle color).  The problem is that it sends "xterm"
or "linux" to the remote end and SCO doesn't grok that.  By telling SCO
that it's really a VT100 or ANSI terminal and then doing the "tput init"
(to reset SCO's internal emulation mode), both ends will be using the
same escape sequences.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-              "Swap memory error: You lose your mind"               -

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