Installing fedora - what to do with /boot partition ?

Mark Ryden markryde at
Thu Dec 8 07:44:21 UTC 2005

Hello list,

I want to install a Fedora Core 4 on a machine with Fedora Core 3,
while keeping the FC3 and it's partitions on that machine.
(There are things which I must be able to run on FC3 and not FC4,
for various reasons).

I have an empty, free partition for it. (/dev/hda3)

I started the Fedora Core 4 installer.

I had reached "Partitioning with Disk Druid" and choose the
free partition (and defined / as a mounting point).

Now, when I pressed OK it continued to the next dialogs.

I assume that it will use the existing swap partition
as a shared swap partition.

But I **did not** defined a /boot partition.

What will happen ? is it OK ?
Will it destroy my FC3 /boot partition ?
Will I be able to boot into both FC3 and FC4 if I will
continue ?
Or will it create the files for the bootstrap process under the
free partition I am installing ( (namely /dev/hda3)) ??

I decided to stop the installation process here and post this


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