LVM Question

Mark McCulligh mmcculli at
Mon Dec 19 20:31:16 UTC 2005

Rick Stevens wrote:

>On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 20:10 +0100, Arden B. Norder wrote:
>>Hi Mark,
>>I use LVM regularly on "mega servers" in much the same way that RedHat is
>>talking about. I do it in this way because it makes my life alot easier foar
>>adding space or moving space from one machin to another.
>>Gotta like it.
>I agree.  Having / on a fixed size filesystem isn't generally a problem.
>I might even say /usr is also OK, unless you like to add lots of new
>That being said however, /home on a multiuser system will rapidly fill
>up and having it on LVM so you can grow it on the fly is a "good
>thing".  Also, depending on what your system is doing and how careful
>you are about tracking things, /var (as in /var/log) on an LVM volume
>can also be useful--logs can grow to be huge farking things.
>Again, it rather depends on what you're planning to have the system do.
>For the vast majority of home users, LVM is nice but not really
>necessary.  On large multipurpose server systems, LVM is almost
Using building Web Servers or Email Servers, for the /home using came 
grow fast (sometimes make a /www folder).  I was just wondering why in 
Red Hat's manual they would create a LVM Volume Group, then in the 
Logical Volumes they add a fixed /home directory?  Because the /home can 
grow the most would not it be better to have it under the / Logical 
Volume for you do not run out of space. Just a little puzzled by Red 
Hat's Example.

>>Greetings from Holland!!! ;)
>And greetings to you as well, from La-La-Land (California)!
Merry Christmas from Canada! Lots of snow and COLD!

>>On Dec 19, 2005 05:33 PM, Mark McCulligh <mmcculli at> wrote:
>>>Hi Group,
>>>I am building a server using Software Raid and plan to setup LVM 
>>>(Logical Volume Manager) on the Raid and have a question.  I was reading 
>>>the Red Hat  manual on LVM and in their example they created a Volume 
>>>Group with Logical Volumes swap, /home and / .   Why would you what to 
>>>create the /home mount point?  Would not it be better just to have the 
>>>swap and / ? Then /home, /usr. /var, etc.. would share the / storage 
>>>Just wondering why would you use LVM, then fix the size of your /home?
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Mark McCulligh, Web Consultant
VisualTech Components
mmcculli at

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