Tape to CD

brad.mugleston at comcast.net brad.mugleston at comcast.net
Sun Jan 16 18:47:51 UTC 2005

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005, Tony Dietrich wrote:

> >
> Look at KRec.
> Check out the manual for KRes, it points you towards experimenting with the 
> aRtS bundle, which KRec acts as a front-end for.
> It allows recording from any line-input.
> Then either manually stop/start the tape, and create a new file for each 
> section, or record the whole tape as a single file, then use one of the 
> available editors to split that file up into various sections.
> Convert the files to the right format, then run k3b, which allows you to 
> assemble audio tracks and burn them onto CD, complete with track info.
> If you use mp3 format, you can even run one of the id3 tagging programs to add 
> tags to each track so your CD player can pick up titles and display them ie 
> 'Chapter 1'
OK, you said a lot there but it all went over my head.  I'm 
taking it that as most of these programs start with a "K" they 
are not GNOME so they are probably not loaded on my machine.  Can 
you get more specific?

Thanks for the help.

Brad Mugleston, KI0OT

There are 10 types of people in this world.  Those that 
understand binary and those that don't.

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