anacron & crond

redhat at redhat at
Tue Sep 6 18:06:32 UTC 2005

I'm trying to understand the behavior of anacron and crond as it relates
to /etc/cron.hourly, daily and weekly.  I am looking at two machines one
with rh9 the other with rh ES4.  Both systems have /etc/anacrontab and
/etc/crontab files.  Anacrontab has the following on both systems:
1       65      cron.daily              run-parts /etc/cron.daily
7       70      cron.weekly             run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
30      75      cron.monthly            run-parts /etc/cron.monthly

Crontab has the following on both systems:
01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
22 4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
42 4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly

I am trying to determine who is responsible for running the above jobs. 
It appears that the deamon crond is running on both systems and would as
a result run the stuff in /etc/crontab.  However in the rh9 system in
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ both cron and anacron is started.  On the ES4 system
only crond is started.  Running the following command "service anacron
status on the rh9 system gives: anacron dead but subsys locked  Running
the same command on the ES4 system returns: anacron is stopped. This is
also returned when I try to start anacron manually.  I was under the
impression that anacron runs the /etc/cron.daily etc. stuff.  Has this
behavior changed since redhat 9.  Is crond responsible for running
/etc/cron.* jobs and anacron is used when the system is rebooted?

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