installing red hat from one cd

Mark Hammerton mhammerton at
Thu Apr 13 15:23:50 UTC 2006

i am trying to fit the redhat es 4 amd64 on to one bootable i reduced the
size of the mounted all cds and cp them over with
cp -a /media/cdrom/* /RHEL/CD1
and so forth for all five cds.
i then copied over all of the RPMS into the the /RHEL/CD1/Redhat/RPMS/
folder and reduced the size, finally it is small enough to fit on one cd and
it fits my needs for a minimal install.
however when i try to boot the cd it boots asks for language, and so forth
then it asks for installation media i press cdrom but it just says the cd is
not a red hat cd and i cant continue.   it says red hat enterprise linux at
the top of  the screen.
this is the command i used to create the image i burnt to cd
i used cd /RHEL/CD1

mkisofs -o file.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -v -T /RHEL/CD1

is there anything i am missing on the single cd or in the way i make the iso
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