format for manually constructing outgoing email text file

Chris W. Parker cparker at
Wed Jun 9 23:34:19 UTC 2004

Jason Dixon <mailto:jason at>
    on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 4:11 PM said:

> You've just reiterated the point everyone has already made... dump it
> to your MTA and allow it to handle the spooling and delivery.

but what exactly does it mean to "dump it to your MTA and allow it to
handle the spooling and delivery"??

but *that's* what i'm asking about. i already know i need to give it to
the MTA (hence my original query) but i just don't know *how*. do i make
files and put them in a directory? and if i do need to make files what
is the format for an outgoing email or where can i read about the
format? OR do i use the commandline to individually send each email?


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