Regarding an upgrade 8 to 9

mroth at mroth at
Thu Nov 9 20:00:14 UTC 2006


From: darrel barton <darrel at>
Date: Thursday, November 9, 2006 12:15 pm

> 1) people who say there's no such thing as a dumb question clearly 
> don't have to work with people at my place.

Sometimes the dumb questions solve bigger problems.
> 2) I've installed a l number of RH systems but never upgraded from 
> version to version before and I have a system that I'd like to UPGRADE
> Red Hat 8 to 9ES and I'm wondering if there's anything special I should 
> know.   During the initial install on a Compaq Proliant I vaguely 
Almost no distro makes it easy to upgrade a full release. Actually, I'm
working on an article for SysAdmin about doing this....

At any rate, 
   first, back up /etc, and any other custom stuff;
   second, DO THE CUSTOM PARTITIONING!!!!! unless you want to 
      lose everything on the other partitions (like /home...)

Finally, I'd do an install, rather than try to upgrade (it won't work).
Doing the above should help... along with backing up everything....

Remember, also, that anything local probably will need to be recompiled,
with changes to glibc, if nothing else.


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