[redhat-lspp] Re: different cipso mapping behavior

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Tue Feb 27 19:36:22 UTC 2007

On Tuesday, February 27 2007 2:29:48 pm Eric Paris wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 13:23 -0600, Loulwa Salem wrote:
> > I traced it back to .63 kernel and it is still broken there .. I don't
> > have access to anything prior to that. If someone has access to an older
> > system .. please try it. Paul, were you able to reproduce the problem?
> >
> > I'll keep trying to get the bottom of this meanwhile.
> >
> > - Loulwa
> What arch?   I can publish older LSPP kernels as old as we need.  (but
> I'll run out of quota if I try to do more than 1 or 2 archs)

Thanks for the offer Eric but since Loulwa can't remember the exact kernel rev 
where this last worked I think we would end up wasting a lot of time/space 
trying to track down the change which broke the "std" DOI label translations.

If I get stuck I may ask you to spin a few select, older lspp.* kernels but 
for right now I think we are all set. 

paul moore
linux security @ hp

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