[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 01/15/2007 Minutes

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Tue Jan 16 20:34:36 UTC 2007

On Tuesday, January 16 2007 3:06 pm, Loulwa Salem wrote:
> 01/15/2007 lspp Meeting Minutes:
> ===============================


>      KW: what's the status of your policy patches for ipsec Joy? and the
> patches I sent you regarding the cipso rules?
>      JL: cipso also had some policy changes ... I can ping chris, but not
> sure if he had chance to look at them.
>      DW: that's upstream, but do we have them in rhel policy?
>      JL: I was looking at pauls work and would've like to have had time to
> create patch that merged our work. see if we can make it smaller.
>      DW: try out the latest policy and get to me right away and we'll get
> the fixes in

Klaus/Joy when you talk about the NetLabel/CIPSO changes are you referring to 
the massive RFC patchset that I sent out in December or the smaller change 
that Dan made in the latest policy RPMs?  If this NetLabel/CIPSO patch is 
something completely different can you share a pointer?

paul moore
linux security @ hp

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