[redhat-lspp] Problem with pam_namespace.so

Daniel J Walsh dwalsh at redhat.com
Mon Jan 22 18:00:27 UTC 2007

We have found a problem with pam_namespace.so.

Basically if you go with the default configuration and you 
polyinstatiate /tmp, /var/tmp and /home
for all non-admin users, setting up su to unmnt_only or unmnt_remount 
will not work as expected.  If you su to root, you will still see the 
polyinstatiated directories.  The pam_namespace code checks if
the user you are authenticating is polyinstated, if not it returns 
success.  But this happens BEFORE
the unmnt_* code.  So you do not get to see the previous polyinstatiated 
file system.  I believe this is fixed in Rawhide but not in RHEL5.


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