[redhat-lspp] Just noticed a problem with semanage/semodule and SELinux policy

Daniel J Walsh dwalsh at redhat.com
Wed Jan 24 21:37:24 UTC 2007

Currently you can run semanage/semodule at SystemLow and they end up 
creating files in /etc/selinux/mls/seusers and 
/etc/selinux/mls/policy/policy.21 at SystemLow.

The system defaults say they should be at SystemHigh.  I am not sure why 
they are specified at SystemHigh, but we either need to change the 
specification or lots of other files need to be moved to system high and 
perhaps only allow semanage to run at SystemHigh. 

Running semanage at SystemHigh, ends up creating a bunch of files at 
SystemHigh that should be SystemLow, also.  So no easy fix.

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