[rhelv6-beta-list] Installing Nvidia graphics drivers?

James Pearson james-p at moving-picture.com
Fri Jul 30 13:06:32 UTC 2010

I've installed the latest beta2 on a workstation with an Nvidia graphics 
card and I wanted to install the Nvidia drivers - but I couldn't as the 
nouveau drivers were installed.

It looks like the nouveau driver is still used even when X isn't 
running, which seems strange - and it appears impossible to remove it 
from a running system.

In the end, I had to boot the machine with "rdblacklist=nouveau" on the 
boot command line and create a modprobe.d blacklist entry for nouveau - 
which seems a rather over the top procedure ...

Is there a 'proper' way of disabling/removing the nouveau driver?


James Pearson

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