[rhelv6-beta-list] My first experiences with RHEL6 beta

solarflow99 solarflow99 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 18:06:40 UTC 2010

> Nonsense. While LVM is useful for re-allocating disk space for
> alternative partition layouts, and its snapshot capability is very
> useful in some environments, and it can handle this reasonably
> gracefully, it does absolutely nothing for resizing the filesystems.
> That requires more sophisticated tools, which so far as I can tell
> remain poorly integrated with Linux. There are a few tools that take a
> shot at thus, such as the Gnome parted utility (gparted, often
> mis-identified as GNU parted). That's a very powerful and flexible
> tool, and I'd have loved to use it for the "4096 byte block virtual
> image alignment" problem, but it doesn't have resolution down to
> sectors, only to cylinders, so I couldn't use it.

I've found the s-c-lvm tool will resize the filesystem when you adjust
the volume (as long as its NOT luks encrypted),. otherwise it just
takes a resize2fs command.

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