[rhn-users] Batch control across multiple machines

James Harrison jamesaharrisonuk at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 3 12:14:50 UTC 2005

You need something like PBS or Sun Grid Engine to make the machines into a

http://www.altair.com/software/pbspro.htm for PBS software
http://www.sun.com/software/gridware/partners/ for the sun software

Ive used Open PBS (The free version of PBS). We've found it has problems
compiling on newer versions of the Redhat SW, so use the commercial product
that will come with technical support. 

The Sun software is really easy to use and very easy to setup and install and

We've used such clustering technology to run very technical simulations. The
idea being that you create a batch script and submit the batch script to a
central server and it takes care of where and when it runs the script (and not

If you buy multi cpu systems you can specify to run a job on each cpu you

The amount of RAM and swap space you need depends on how much processing you
need to do. 

Hope that helps


--- Craig Aumann <caumann at ualberta.ca> wrote:
> I need a "kick in the right direction" for this one.  
> I have a bunch of redhat boxes that I use to run batch jobs.  To run
> these jobs, I simply created separate batch files on each machine. 
> However, this is quickly becoming a pain, given that all the simulations
> are part of a larger simulation project.  
> What I want is a single point of control through which all batch jobs
> are sent off to separate machines.  As these machines finish their
> jobs,  new jobs are automatically sent to them.  I don't really need
> anything more than this.  
> Are there any open-source tools for doing this?  
> Thanks!
> Craig
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