[rhn-users] cannot change NIS user password as root

Clinton Fernandes cfernand at utm.utoronto.ca
Thu May 5 22:21:58 UTC 2005

I may have misunderstood your problem, so apologies if my suggestion doesn't help.

As I see it, you have the NIS server BOO and a client machine FOO. Each machine
has it's own root user (presumably with different passwords).

If, on the client (FOO), you try to change a password over NIS as root, which
root are you on the BOO? You are not BOO's root; thus, problems.

My suggestion: don't use NIS client root to change anything concerning NIS on
the server.

          my tail is dun.

Quoting Raj  Kumar <rajkum2002 at rediffmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I'm experiencing the exact same problem as was mentioned in this post:
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/pam-list/2004-February/msg00035.html
> root user cannot change NIS password of other users from NIS client machines
> using "passwd" command. But can change the password using yppasswd... I don't
> prefer using yppasswd since it asks for the root password which will be then
> sent in clear text. However, ordinary users themselves can change their
> password using "passwd" command without any problems and the maps are updated
> on slave servers also!
> Help!!
> Thanks,
> Raj

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