[scl.org] devtoolset-6 and stdlibc++

Stefan Ring stefanrin at gmail.com
Tue May 11 09:52:43 UTC 2021

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 6:25 PM Matthew Wheaton <mwheat5487 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This can't be the first time this has come up.  I was very pleased to discover that I could install the gcc-6.3 compiler on a rhel6 host using devtoolset-6, but now discover that the accompanying stdlibc++ is not included.
> I provide shared libraries as part of an API for my work and it would be greatly beneficial to provide a runtime environment that includes the libraries that come with gcc-6.3.  Unless the customer can use a rhel8 equivalent, this is the best way to provide C++11 functionality that I know of.
> Is there a way to provide the appropriate stdlibc++?

The binaries produced by devtoolset are supposed to run against the
system runtime (libstdc++), so there is nothing else to be shipped. It
sounds like you would want to just build gcc yourself (it’s easy!)
Then you will need to ship the runtime with the binaries produced by

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